One of the main enemies in our house is mold, due to the moisture that can attack the walls, the cabinets but especially our leather bags.
In fact, leather bags, easily attract moisture and therefore are inclined to mold formation. The bags are covered with many small stains of dirt and the proliferation of annoying spores, which make the accessory wearable.
Often we tend to leave the bags in a slightly damp and dark corner of the house and it is right there that it happens that a small mold stain appears that then quickly extends into most of the bag.
Don’t let the mold ruin your favorite leather bag!
To prevent mold from spoiling the bags, you need to know how to store this accessory properly. In this article of our blog, we at Florence Leather Market, will give our readers some useful advice to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon.
Let’s see what are the effective remedies to eliminate moisture and mold and wear our favorite bag as if it were new.
To prevent or somehow prevent mold from forming in the leather bag, especially when we know we don’t have to use it for a long time and place it safely in a closet or other, a useful tip is to insert inside it sachets containing silica gel or mothballs that are used to protect products from moisture because they have a dehumidifier function.
After inserting one of these two anti-humidity products inside, to have more care is also recommended to insert the bag in a dust bag.
These are two useful indications to try to prevent the unpleasant formation of mold, but if the “damage” is already there?
Removing mold from the leather bag is a process that can also be done at home quickly, if you do not have specific detergents, thanks to the use of household products.
If it is a genuine leather item, with a little care and patience you can get your bag back in its total beauty!
Just follow the process…
- Surely, the first thing to do, will be to empty the bag from any object inside it, then you can proceed to clean the skin with a very delicate brush or with a soft microfiber or cotton cloth.
- At this point you must immerse the cloth in the chosen product to eliminate mold, that is, a detergent, which can be vinegar or lemon juice diluted with water and you must rub all the areas of the bag, even those where there are no mold or moisture stains. The cloth should be well wrung out of excess water, the bag should not get soaked with product.
- After having carefully cleaned with the help of the cloth, leave the bag a few hours in the open air so that the sunlight dries the product.
I recommend: do not leave your favorite bag under the direct rays of the sun, prefer the morning or late afternoon, so you do not risk to discolor or dry the leather!
After performing all these steps, to ensure that the skin returns to its original state (soft and smooth) it is advisable to apply a specific nourishing cream for leather that will return the natural shine to the accessory.
Once you have done all the steps and removed the stains from the bag, there is still the problem of the typical unpleasant smell of moisture and mold.
The advice of Florence Leather Market is to spray inside the bag an air freshener or a specific spray and let it air for a while. Avoid leaving the bag to dry at night because the humidity level tends to rise and this would lead to frustrate the work done.
It is however advisable, at least a couple of times a year, to leave open the doors of the closet where we store our bags, to let light and air through and thus prevent the formation of mold and bad smells.
Take care of your favorite leather bag, so it will last over time!