Over the centuries, the master craftsmen have used different tools for the leather’s processing, thus achieving the perfection of processing: from tanning to finishing.
The techniques have evolved over the years, thanks to the invention of increasingly efficient machines and tools that can simplify or help the work of the artisan.
Florence Leather Market will try to briefly introduce the evolutionary processes regarding the processing of leather and the tools used by our Florentine artisans.
The tools evolution
Leather processing has undergone several changes. Processes have not always been like the ones we know today; this evolution has brought more safety in the working environment and also better results in terms of article accuracy and speed in creating it.
Starting from the first steps that a craftsman must make, we talk about the cutting of the leather.
This procedure, in the past, was carried out by hand through a blade, obtaining a result that was not precise and defined. Nowadays, however, the cutting of leather for any article you want to create, is done by a machine that allows you to get clean and precise cuts: the slice.
This is then also rounded and redefined edge beveler, whose name effectively explains its function.

The sewing machine
Another machine came to the aid of master craftsmen by simplifying their work is definitely the sewing machine.
This phase of processing, a few years ago, it was possible to perform it only by hand with needle and thread; it could represent a difficult task for craftsmen if they found themselves working a harder and thicker leather, also leading to a mediocre resistance of the article created.
At the present time, this working phase, however, requires a component of manual work but is facilitated by the use of modern sewing machines.
Other work’s tools…
Two other very important machines during processing are the curved needle, which is used for the stitching of the corners of all leather goods and the pyrograph, a tool used by craftsmen that allows you to make incisions and decorations on leather.
The last tools we want to talk about in this article are the die-cutting pliers and the brush; the first is used to make various types of changes on the leather because it allows to create holes in the belts and shoulder straps; the second tool is one of the most used because it distributes and spreads the glue between several pieces of leather allowing you to create more complex products that require the use of more pieces of leather.
Care for details
However, there is also the other side of the coin…
Nowadays, due to the continuous technological innovation, many leather goods manufacturers no longer commission items to master craftsmen and tend to completely entrust the work processes to machines that do not require a large manual intervention.
As a result, this type of decision has led to neglect the true founding values of craftsmanship: the care and attention devoted to the creative process of a quality product!
At Florence Leather Market, fortunately, we still believe in the importance of manual work and attention to detail to create resistant products guaranteed by the true Made in Italy quality.
True artisans take care of and work the skin with care and great professionalism, choosing to use fewer technological and fast tools that “steal” beauty to their artifact.
Take a look at the wide selection of handmade leather bags that we have created to meet your every need and follow us on our social networks to stay updated!