
Leather backpack

Tips: how to clean your leather backpack

A holiday at the sea, a bike tour or a motorbike excursion: the summer days are more and more dynamic and funny and, if you count to bring your “faithful” leather backpack with you, it is good to know that in case of unexpected stains, there is no need to despair because everything can be solved. Moreover, to keep the leather in good condition, do not forget a little “maintenance”, which means to hydrate it periodically.


Three tips


Here are three practical tips to clean your backpack or your leather bag.

  1. Do not use water, in order to avoid worsening the situation. For instance, on the leather, we could create halos that are difficult to remove.
  2. Much depends on the type of stain: if it is a slight trace of dirt, you can take a cotton swab or a white rag soaked with neutral detergent milk (the one you use to remove make-up on your face).
  3. With the cotton swab gently rub the stain and let the backpack dry, avoiding direct sun, if possible.


Ordinary maintenance


How to do the “ordinary maintenance” of your leather backpack?

Sometimes the leather needs to be hydrated – especially in the Summer, when it is more exposed to the sun, heat and wind – just like the skin of our body, you can use a fairly solid moisturizer, not overly greasy.

For polishing, you can use an old grandma’s remedy: rub a pair of nylon stockings to make the backpack shinier and ready for the whole Summer.