
Belts for men, a world to discover and understand

The universe of male belts is wider than you think, in fact there are various types of this accessory. Meanwhile we make a main distinction between two macro categories. 

Men’s formal and casual belts

The sports belts.

The sports belts are usually characterized by a rather large buckle, also are higher, (it goes from 3.8 to 4.5 cm., the higher a belt is, the more informal it will be), and are usually made of opaque and rough leather. When leather is characterized by these peculiarities it is because the outer layers of the material are used in its production. 

The formal belts.

The formal belt is mainly recognizable by its buckle. As a rule, the formal belt buckle is classy, fine, elegant and square, smaller in size than the sports one. 

The formal belt strap never exceeds 4cm, and the leather or the material used is characterized by a shiny and very soft touch. 

Usually the formal belts are produced in leather, the most prestigious ones in full grain leather

The most common shades of formal belts are brown and black, but you can also buy blue and gray, all colors can be easily combined and very sober. 

Qual è la cintura più giusta?

Not all belts are suitable for different physicality so it is good to know which is the one that suits your body most before proceeding with the purchase. 

To find out if the belt you use is usually the right one for you, you will need to take a meter and calculate how far is the most used hole and the end of the buckle. The measure that will come out will be the measure of your waist. To this measure you will need to add approximately 15 cm, and so you will know what is your correct size to buy a belt that fits perfectly to your body. 

A curiosity about belts is what etiquette says in reference to the latter. In fact, according to the etiquette, you should not use a hole at random, but the male belt must always be fastened to the third hole that is the central one. 

The evergreen of men’s belts

The belts that a man must absolutely have in his closet are indicative of three types: 

  • Casual chic belt: the belt suitable for jeans. This accessory must normally be about 4 cm high, and is in dark or very sober colors, suede leather or leather. Being a belt tending to be sporty and suitable for everyday use, you can also opt for belts textured or otherwise decorated. The buckle will certainly be larger than those of formal belts and maybe even different shapes from the square; 
  • Formal evening belt: the formal belt as above must not exceed 4 cm in height. The formal belt is not decorated but simple, sober, glossy and in dark or black or brown colors. The buckle must also be small, must not give too much in the eye and rectangular in shape; 
  • Braided belt: the braided belt is an evergreen of the summer season, and also it must not exceed 5 cm in height. Being a summer belt can also be lighter colors, such as cream, cream, or beige, the important thing is that it matches your outfits perfectly. 

Discover all our belts for men, take a look here