
business bag

BUSINESS LEATHER BAGS: the Florence Leather Market glam and resistant line

Those who travel a lot for work know that choosing the right bag to travel with is essential: it’s a touch of style, but above all a guarantee of reliability when you’re out and about. The Florence Leather Market line aims to satisfy those who don’t want to give up comfort and glam, sturdy materials, but also the craftsmanship of Made in Italy. In a few words, it is aimed at those who want practicality and aesthetics together. In this article we will analyze how Florence Leather Market deals with business.

business bag

Florence Leather Market’ style

The brand’s collection consists of business briefcases, briefcases and leather work bags. The shades are the classic ones of leather or black, to get to the honey nuance, delicate and very trendy. On the aesthetic side, each piece in the line is made special by the metal details or the branded logo. But even the fastenings make a difference, going from the classic zip to the more sophisticated metal bar. For lovers of the past and lived eras, Florence Leather Market also welcomes a soft and tasteful Vintage with a distinctive and original look, and must-have pieces for any self-respecting Vintage lover.


Our Forte

But let’s see in detail the composition of the Business line of the Florence Leather Market brand. As we said, the briefcases are the flagship of the collection. The Florentine leather makes them elegant and with a pleasant touch, while the craftsmanship and the inclusion of contemporary elements, such as reinforced handles and metal parts, transform them into timeless pieces. In the line we also find the practical bags with adjustable shoulder straps like our Leather briefcase with two compartments, to be worn on the shoulder or also used as more metropolitan handbags. There is also no shortage of classic briefcases, with a very classic, clean-cut design and unisex aesthetic, suitable for those who want to go to work in style.

The quality of Florence Leather Market

The Italian tanneries are an excellence renowned all over the world, thanks not only to the historical know-how, but also to the creative component that characterizes our sectors. Leather is one of the least industrialised products on the market: manual work remains at the base of all manufacturing processes, from tanning to the creation of handcrafted products. As far as the quality of the materials is concerned, the Florence Leather Market line of Business Bags is made of Italian leather, vegetable-tanned, hand-dyed and then cut and sewn by expert craftsmen. The savoir faire of the brand, which was born in Florence and has become famous in Italy and around the world, can be felt in every piece of the collection. The line meets the needs of her and him, both for short trips and for longer journeys.


What are you waiting for? Check out the fantastic line of business bags by Florence Leather Market