Discover authenticity and quality with Italian handmade bags from Florence Leather Market. The company takes pride in genuine leather products, mainly handbags, which are produced in Tuscany, Italy. Florence Leather Market gained worldwide recognition as a global leader in the handbag industry. As a brand, the company sets itself apart by providing top quality products and exceptional customer service.
Tuscany is synonymous with leather items of quality and the belts, wallets and leather bags are no exception. There are belts, leather bags and wallets in Tuscany for every taste and occasion in every style, colour and size possible.
A crossbody bag made of soft and supple leather is a fashion accessory which provides versatile looks and many different options. The bag can act as a purse or day bag and is generally square to rectangular in shape with a long strap where the bag hangs diagonally across the front of the body over one shoulder. Depending on the level of detail and trim, the basic crossbody bag can go from casual to elegant with ease. Such a bag might be worn by those who need the extra space which a crossbody bag provides versus a clutch purse or smaller bag.