

Types Of Leather Used To Make Fine Italian Leather Wallets

Why Is Italian Leather Better?

Italy has a long history and reputation for producing some of the highest quality leather in the world. So what makes Italian-made leather so much better? The answer lies with their leather making process.

Italian leather makers combine their years of tradition with modern technologies to produce some of the highest quality leather in the world. Whereas other countries nowadays manufacture mass-produced leather using chemical tanning processes, Italian leather makers use natural tannins from plant and vegetable extracts to produce their leather.

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Add a small leather wallet to your accessories

Which leather wallet to choose


Italian handmade leather wallets ooze charm and elegance in equal measure. Designed and made from “A” class leather, they offer a must-have accessory for men who like quality items. The question small or large leather wallet, which one to choose, depends on individual taste and use. There is a huge range of styles and sizes of leather wallets to choose from, each handmade to be practical as well as fashionable. These everyday accessories are robust, elegant and functional, perfect for the man about town.

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Types of Italian leather wallets for men

Fashionable Italian leather wallets for men

Top quality leather wallets for men are a very fashionable, every day accessory. They are ideal to carry all sorts of personal items from driving licenses to credit cards, cash and business cards. Made in Italy, leather wallets for men have double stitching and soft calf-skin leather with transparent slots. Tonal, hand-sewn seams provide an elegant touch for men’s wallets as well as durability, practicality and lots of style. Buying a man’s leather wallet is also a long term investment, an item which can be used many times a day.

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gift for him leather accessory

Gift for him: a leather accessory!

Are you looking for the right gift for your man? You think you’ve already given him everything, truly everything? Maybe you already know that men, in fashion, can be even pickier than women, and especially demanding when it comes to gifts. But with an artisanal quality leather accessory, you can’t go wrong… Leggi tutto »