
What you wear expresses the person you are: psychology of the bag.

The way a person wears a bag reveals many characteristics of us. The bag, in fact, is not just an accessory but a way of being and a behavioral code. 

Bag sizes

Small, medium or large bag? The model you choose may indicate that you are a confident and control-loving bag, or an expansive and creative person.

Small bags tend to indicate that you are an independent person and often travel with only the bare essentials, which makes you an ambitious and confident person. 

Medium and large bags, on the other hand, indicate a person who wants to be in control of all situations, trying to carry all the essentials to be ready for any eventuality. 

The difference between the medium and large bag is purely aesthetic, as the medium sized bag looks more professional than the previous one. 

Tote Bag

Let’s start with the largest bag, the Tote Bag.

Inside this bag you can fit everything from a laptop to an umbrella to a makeup bag or snacks for snacks. 

The convenience of this type of bag is in fact, the functionality of the pockets and space it offers. 

Generally the Tote, see here an example, is carried on the shoulder. The particularity of this fit, translates as whimsy and practicality. 

Characterizing a versatile style, always focused on comfort and giving nothing to chance. 


The Bauletto, or otherwise a typical hand bag, denotes elegance, style and femininity. See here

The handbag fit serves to re-brand a decisive role of a winning woman with a strong personality. Even the mere thought that using the hand bag, allows you to walk around with only one arm available, translates as a great determination of a multitasking person. 

The cross body bag

If you use a cross body bag in your daily life, you are a super active person, perpetually on the move and well focused on comfort.

Depending on the position of the bag in relation to the body, two different behavioral attitudes are emphasized: if it falls to the front, it indicates shyness, if it falls back it is an indication of a very busy person focused on his goals. 

Click here.


A bag worn on the forearm denotes a strong desire for distinction and style, for a person of sophisticated style and slight haughtiness. 

If you see yourself in this definition, this bag may be right for you.


People who wear backpacks as a habitual accessory are very creative, good, honest and friendly people. 

The backpack represents the accessory par excellence of lightheartedness and a pinch of naivety, choose the style. See here an example.