
All the news about the bags for the season Fall/Winter 2021/2022


When we talk about leather bags we refer to an accessory for both men and women made with quality materials. In this article today we will talk about Florence Leather Market.

Quality, elegance and details

Each bag made by Florence Leather Market is very elegant, and is made entirely by hand and with care even in the smallest details. In addition, our creations, being made with quality materials and excellence, continue over time without showing signs of wear.  

But now we come to us and we go to see what will be the bags that will trend in the next season. 

Like every Florence Leather Market collection, even the winter collection 2021/2022 is full of details, original details as well as unusual shapes and colors. Let’s discover together the most popular models of the collection. Let’s discover together the most popular models of the collection.

  • Shoulder bag: the shoulder bag is the kind of bag that never goes wrong. It is the ideal bag that every woman must have inside the closet and that can be worn on any occasion. The shoulder bag of Florence Leather Market is full of details. As already said, this type of bag can be worn on any occasion, from the aperitif with friends to the classic business appointment, in short, an accessory that adapts in any situation. Obviously, the shoulder bags of the winter collection are made with darker shades, soft and with precious details.Among the shoulder bags that you can find on the site we have the Vala bag, available in various colors, with internal compartment and zip on the back; or the Dalida shoulder bag, also made in various colors and genuine calfskin. Borsa marrone in pelle con manici lunghi
  • Shopping bag: the shopping bag is one of the most practical and comfortable bags in all collections, as this model is characterized by larger sizes and darker colors. Even this type of bag is characterized by special details and the shoulder strap, ideal for those women who do not like to wear the bag by hand. Among the most sold shopping bags on the site we have the Eloisa, a real bag with a capital B, made of saffiano leather and available in various colors such as beige, red, yellow, black and white. Even the Fabrizia bag is one of the best shopping bags, made of real leather and with round wooden handles.
  • The clutch: compared to the shoulder bag or the shopping bag, the clutch is small and definitely suitable for the most elegant evenings. 

The only detail compared to the other bags is the closure as it is strictly snap.

On the online site Florence Leather Market you can find a wide range of bags, in different shapes and colors. Come take a look!


Tutte le novità sulle borse per la stagione Fall/Winter 2021/2022


Quando parliamo di borse di pelle si fa riferimento ad un accessorio sia per l’uomo che per la donna realizzati con materiali di qualità. In quest’articolo di oggi vi parleremo di Florence Leather Market. 

Qualità, eleganza e dettagli

Ogni borsa realizzata da Florence Leather Market risulta essere molto elegante, ed è realizzata interamente a mano e con cura anche nei dettagli più minimi. Inoltre, le nostre creazioni, essendo fabbricate con materiali di qualità ed eccellenza, perdurano nel tempo senza mostrare segni di usura.  

Ma ora veniamo a noi e andiamo a vedere quali saranno le borse che faranno tendenza nella prossima stagione

Come ogni collezione di Florence Leather Market, anche quella dell’inverno 2021/2022 è ricca di dettagli, particolari originale oltre a forme e colori insoliti. Andiamo a scoprire insieme i modelli più in voga della collezione.

  • Borsa a tracolla: la borsa a tracolla rappresenta quel tipo di borsa che non si smentisce mai. E’ la borsa ideale che ogni donna deve avere all’interno dell’armadio e che può essere indossata in qualsiasi occasione. La borsa a tracolla di Florence Leather Market è ricca di dettagli. Come già detto questo tipo di borsa si può indossare in qualsiasi occasione, dall’aperitivo con le amiche fino al classico appuntamento di lavoro, insomma un accessorio che si adatta in qualsiasi situazione. Ovviamente, le borse a tracolla della collezione winter sono realizzate con tonalità più scure, tenui e con dettagli preziosi.

Tra le borse a tracolla che potete trovare sul sito abbiamo la borsa Vala, disponibile in varie colorazioni, con scomparto interno e con zip sul retro; oppure la borsa a tracolla Dalida, realizzata anch’essa in vari colori e in vera pelle di vitello.

  • Shopping bag: la shopping bag è una delle borse più pratiche e comode presente in tutte le collezioni, in quanto, questo modello è caratterizzato da dimensioni più ampie e colori più scuri. Anche questo tipo di borsa è contraddistinta da dettagli particolari e dalla tracolla, ideale per quelle donne che non amano indossare la borsa a mano.  Borsa marrone in pelle con manici lunghi Tra le shopping bag più vendute sul sito abbiamo la Eloisa, una vera e propria borsa con la b maiuscola, realizzata in pelle saffiano e disponibile in varie colorazioni come beige, rosso, giallo, nero e bianca. Anche la borsa Fabrizia risulta essere una delle migliori shopping bag, realizzata in vera pelle e con manici rotondi in legno.


  • La pochette: rispetto alla borsa a tracolla o la shopping bag, la pochette è di piccole dimensioni e adatta sicuramente per le serate più eleganti. L’unico dettaglio rispetto alle altre borse è la chiusura in quanto è rigorosamente a scatto.



Sul sito online Florence Leather Market potete trovare un’ampia gamma di borse, in diverse forme e colorazioni. Venite a dare un’occhiata!


How to match and wear a leather belt


To each his belt

The leather belt Made in Italy is a timeless accessory that can be combined with any look. 

To choose the most suitable model for you pay attention to:

– Size: to make sure your waist is right where you usually wear your belt, alternatively you can rely on the size of your pants (this option is less secure because often there is no match between the sizes of different countries). If you already own a belt but don’t know its size it measures the distance between the most used hole and the end of the buckle.The resulting number will be that of your waist to which you have to add about 15 cm;

– Height: can vary from 30 to 40 mm. The standard provides that the higher a belt is, the more suitable for a casual or sporty look;

– Fastening: usually the belts have 5 holes. To make sure that the belt is perfectly aligned and the buckle is in the center of the pants we recommend using the third hole.

Our belts are handcrafted Made in Italy and are essential leather accessories to complete and enhance any look.

Belt Yes or Belt No

If you are undecided whether to wear the belt or not, pay attention to the details of the dress: do the pants have passers-by? You want to wear your shirt in your pants?In these cases the belt is a must.

To make your look more sophisticated you can match the color of the leather belt to that of the shoes, while the buckle can be combined with the color of the accessories.

Usually the ton-sur-ton is the best choice, but remember that in the case of informal and casual looks, you can get a nice effect playing with contrasts and use different leather belts, such as cowhide or tassel leather.

The belt, of course, is not only a male accessory but can also be used by a female audience and not only with pants. For example, with a long and soft dress in order to enhance the waist;  a particular color contrasting with a total monochrome look, to brighten it up; but also as a finish of outerwear, cardigan or kimono.

Tip: make your outfit even more special, interesting, glamorous, choosing a bag that can be combined or in contrast with the colors of your look.

On our online shop you will find a wide range of belts, bags, suitcases and accessories (wallets, shoulder bags etc) in real Italian leather, suitable for all needs.

Belt Must-have

The belts that you absolutely must have in your wardrobe are two:

For evening dress and formal occasions – belt less than 4 cm wide with small and smooth buckle (gold or silver), black or brown shiny leather, simple and not decorated.

For informal occasions and leisure – belt about 4 cm wide with large buckle, natural leather or matt leather color, brown or blue, can be decorated. It’s the perfect accessory for jeans.

For women’s looks, the rules described above apply taking into account that there is a greater Variety of heights to make the belt even more versatile and can be combined with different clothing.

Why choose a leather belt

A leather belt is an investment, especially if of Made in Italy craftsmanship: It is very strong, it does not break and is not torn; is elastic and softens with the use, adapting better to your physicality, and also resists optimally at any temperature.

If well preserved it is an “eternal” and timeless accessory.



Come abbinare e indossare una cintura in pelle


Ad ognuno la sua cintura  

La cintura in pelle Made in Italy è un accessorio senza tempo che può essere abbinato a qualsiasi look. 

Per scegliere il modello più adatto a te presta attenzione a:

– Taglia: per essere sicuro che sia corretta misura il tuo girovita nel punto in cui di solito porti la cintura, in alternativa puoi basarti sulla taglia dei tuoi pantaloni (questa opzione è meno sicura perché spesso non c’è corrispondenza tra le taglie delle varie nazioni). Se possiedi già una cintura ma non conosci la sua taglia misura la distanza tra il foro più usato e la fine della fibbia. Il numero risultante sarà quello del tuo girovita a cui devi aggiungere circa 15 cm;

– Altezza: può variare dai 30 ai 40 mm. La norma prevede che più una cintura è alta più è adatta per un look casual o sportivo;

– Allacciatura: solitamente le cinture hanno 5 fori. Per fare in modo che la cintura sia perfettamente allineata e la fibbia sia nel centro dei pantaloni ti consigliamo di utilizzare il terzo foro.

Le nostre cinture sono manifatture Made in Italy realizzate artigianalmente e sono degli accessori in pelle irrinunciabili per completare e valorizzare qualsiasi look.

Cintura Si o Cintura No

Se sei indeciso se indossare o meno la cintura, presta attenzione ai dettagli dell’abito: i pantaloni hanno i passanti? Dovrai indossare la camicia dentro i pantaloni? In questi casi la cintura è d’obbligo.

Per rendere il tuo look più sofisticato puoi abbinare il colore della pelle della cintura a quello delle scarpe, mentre la fibbia può essere abbinata al colore degli accessori.

Tendenzialmente il ton-sur-ton è la scelta migliore, ma ricorda che invece, nel caso di look informali e casual, puoi ottenere un bell’effetto giocando con i contrasti ed utilizzare cinture di pellami differenti, come ad esempio vacchetta o pelle nappata.

La cintura, ovviamente, non è un accessorio solo maschile ma può essere utilizzata anche da un pubblico femminile e non solo con i pantaloni. Per esempio, con un abito lungo e morbido al fine di valorizzare il punto vita; di un colore particolare a contrasto con un total look monocromatico, per vivacizzarlo; ma anche come finitura di capispalla, cardigan o kimono.

Consiglio: rendi il tuo outfit ancora più particolare, interessante, glamour, scegliendo una borsa che può essere in abbinamento o in contrasto con i colori del tuo look.

Sul nostro shop online troverai una vastissima gamma di cinture, borse, valigette e accessori (portafogli, tracolle etc) in vera pelle di artigianato italiano adatti a tutte le esigenze.

Cinture must-have

Le cinture che devi avere assolutamente nel tuo guardaroba sono due:

Per abito da sera e occasioni formali – cintura larga meno di 4 cm con fibbia piccola e liscia (oro o argento), di pelle lucida nera o marrone, semplice e non decorata.

Per occasioni informali e tempo libero – cintura larga circa 4 cm con fibbia di grandi dimensioni, di pelle naturale o opaca color cuoio, marrone o blu, può essere decorata. È l’accessorio perfetto per i jeans.

Per i look femminili valgono le regole sopra descritte tenendo conto che c’è una maggiore varietà di altezze per rendere la cintura ancora più versatile ed abbinabile a diversi capi d’abbigliamento.

Perchè scegliere una cintura in pelle

Una cintura in pelle è un investimento, soprattutto se di artigianato Made in Italy: è molto robusta, non si screpola e non si lacera; è elastica e con l’utilizzo si ammorbidisce adattandosi sempre meglio alla tua fisicità, inoltre resiste in maniera ottimale ad ogni temperatura.

Se ben conservata è un accessorio “eterno” e senza tempo.


All leather coloring techniques


When you buy a belt, wallet, bag or other leather accessory it is very important to check not only the presence of the logo made in Italy, but also the overall quality of the manufacture and the way it was finished.In this regard it should be remembered that over time the techniques concerning the colouring of hides have undergone profound transformations. The new methods are carried out by expert craftsmen in tanneries and ensure durability over time. Here are the most popular systems that are performed with colors of natural or synthetic origin.

Spray and barrel dyeing

The leather can take on various colors thanks to the use of a machine equipped with revolving guns that dispense the dye on the accessory.  In this case, we speak of spray painting, much appreciated by companies specialized in the production of leather objects because it allows to obtain impeccable results in a short time, while at the same time reducing the use of labor. Different is the bottal technique, which involves the immersion of the leather accessory inside containers that rotate and contain a solution based on water and color. The container is then heated up so that the liquid inside can reach a temperature of about 60 º C so that it can be distributed evenly on the artifact.

Tampon dyeing on the table

The coloring techniques made in Italy also include the buffering, otherwise known as a brush, which is most often applied in case of leather that is tanned with tanning or alum. To perform this type of procedure it is necessary to have a table with a convex top made of copper. The leather accessory is then placed on the top and carefully colored by the expert craftsman, thanks to the use of a hair brush that is previously immersed in the dye.

This technique, unlike spray and barrel dyeing, requires longer times, in addition to the use of highly skilled labour.

Skin dyeing with the use of natural dyes

A briefcase, bag or shoulder bag, as well as many other leather objects, today are often colored with colors of natural origin, especially derived from camping. It is a wood tending to dark red, quite common in South America, but also in other countries such as England and Spain.

The characteristics of this wood are to be found in its active principles that, as much as extracted and left to rest for the necessary time, form hematine, or crystals with a characteristic light yellow color. When this substance is combined with metallic oxides it generates different shades, which can be tending to dark blue, as well as black and red.

However, the leather is not only dyed with camping, but also with other woods that contain extracts. The sandal, for example, is used to give the artifact an intense red color, while the wood of fustello gives a yellow tint.

Other natural colours used for leather good

Natural colors are not only those that come from wood, but also include special lacquers called tannic, which are mostly used to color the bottom of the leather accessory. This kind of lacquer is obtained by extracting the tannins that are present in plants. More specifically, the somacco plant is mainly utilized, very versatile because it offers various salts, such as those of aluminium, lead and antimony which give respectively a green, hazel and yellow colouration. This plant even allows the leather purple, brown yellow and black, because it also contains salts of titanium, copper and iron.

Artificial dyes for skin coloring

In recent years, artificial or synthetic colors have also taken hold to color the leather. Compared to natural ones they offer great advantages because they allow you to complete the processing in a very fast time. These shades are also particularly intense and durable over time.

Called aniline, these non-natural colors can be acidic or basic. In the first case they are more suitable for producing leather objects tanned with chrome. Basic colours, on the other hand, are used on tannin tanned leather goods, that is vegetable.

Made in Italy leather goods quality

In the light of what has been explained, it is well understood that the colouring of leathers is a fairly complex and demanding operation, which can only be carried out by artisans who have acquired a certain competence. Otherwise the results that are obtained can not be resistant, up to expectations and above all to perfection. That’s why when buying leather accessories it is important to rely on serious retailers, highly specialized in leather and leather processing.

The manufacture of Florence Leather Market stands out and is designed to resist the continuous change of trends. Thanks to the wide range of leather accessories, available in different colors and models, it will be easy to find what you can do to your case.